Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Awareness Training for Care Services
Silence can be oppressive as anyone who has been ‘sent to Coventry’ will know. A silence that fills the room when you enter, a silent look between others, an uncomfortable silence between you and someone you thought was your friend. Better to pretend just to be like everyone else than risk being ostracised.
That’s why it’s better not to rock the boat when you’re feeling old and vulnerable. That’s why you keep memories of your same sex partner hidden, never mention your previous life with them, never show photos or share stories. You never reveal your ‘criminal past’ because for you and your peers who you were and what you did was illegal until 1967. Stigmatised by society, labelled sinful by religion and shamed in your own eyes for so many years, your own silence is perfectly understandable.
But how sad not to be able to talk about those you loved. How sad to have to spend every day in hiding in your last years. How sad that care homes routinely report “We don’t have any of them here.” Anchor Care Homes have successfully initiated national lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) resident meetings.
They talk to one another, they share stories, they support each another, they bring strategies back to their own care homes to promote openness. The vision is to change the culture; to change people’s attitudes; to be accepted for who they are.
Are you going to wait for another 20 – 30 years for homophobia to die out in care homes? Is every member of your staff free from prejudice? Is the subject too sensitive so you’d rather let sleeping dogs lie? How are you going to answer the Care Quality Commisson questions on your LGBT numbers?
The York LGBT Forum is concerned and is willing to help. We have created FREE TO BE ME, a 2 hour staff awareness workshop + information pack, which we’d like to talk to you about. Can we make a difference – will it open up people’s minds and hearts? Will it help to end the silence? Would you be interested?

Here are some of the comments from our early presentations:
“Nice range of people, styles, content. Different approaches give a balanced session…”
“The use of multiple presenters was very effective…Keep the presentation as friendly as it was today…”
“Dramatically open and engaging. I was surprised…”
“It made me a lot more aware about the dangers of pre-conceived notions…”
“Increased awareness of how best to support people within our service…”
“All homes should have this training; really interesting; brilliant, thank you!”

The two hour presentation is available for booking: £120 for the first presentation (£100 for the 2nd and further presentations for the same workplace) + expenses.
Resource packs included. Please give me a ring and we can discuss possibilities.
Contact Sue Lister 01904 488870 or yorklgbtforum@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.