BSL Lesson

Have you ever wanted to learn British Sign Language? Our weekly free BSL lessons run by Gray provide a space for those wanting to learn, or practice their sign. No previous attendance needed

Generate 18+ York Support group


Generate has a peer support group online for adults over 18+ who are transgender, non-binary and questioning to explore their gender or gain support.


Community philosophy lessons! Providing a base understanding of various topics such as ethics, knowledge, or even existence itself.

Rainbow Choir

York St John University Lord Mayor’s Walk, York

We are a relaxed welcoming community LGBTQ+ choir (open to allies too!)

Generate Outreach

Come and meet the wonderful folks at Generate, a local charity for Trans and Non-Binary folk

Movie Night (Animation)

Our movie nights make a return! This week our genre will be Animation! You choose the movie!

Shanty & Folk Singing

Gather round and join the song! A friendly evening of shanties, folk, and more!