Footsteps of Pride: An LGBTQ+ History Walk
Join us for Footsteps of Pride, a guided walking tour exploring the rich and vibrant history of the LGBTQ+ community.
Shanty & Folk Singing
Gather round and join the song! A friendly evening of shanties, folk, and more!
Dance with Pride – Cabaret – Musical Theatre Dance Workshop
Immerse yourself in the world of Cabaret as part of Inspired By Theatre's Dance With Pride series
LGBTQ+ Stories on Stage – Monologue & Scene Workshop
Step into the spotlight and explore the power of LGBTQ+ stories through this dynamic monologue and scene workshop.
Nowt So Queer As York – A Literary Walk
From Shelley's rebellious streak to the Bront's' enigmatic connections, Wilde's wit, and Auden's exploration of desire, this walk offers a fresh perspective on York's literary history.
Special Interest Sunday
A series of 20 min talks on anything you want! Three speakers a night with questions and breaks in-between!
Mini Painting
Come and paint tiny figurines for D&D, Wargaming, or display!
BSL Lesson
Have you ever wanted to learn British Sign Language? Our weekly free BSL lessons run by Gray provide a space for those wanting to learn, or practice their sign. No previous attendance needed
Generate 18+ York Support group
ZoomGenerate has a peer support group online for adults over 18+ who are transgender, non-binary and questioning to explore their gender or gain support.