Generate 18+ York Support group
ZoomGenerate has a peer support group online for adults over 18+ who are transgender, non-binary and questioning to explore their gender or gain support.
Generate has a peer support group online for adults over 18+ who are transgender, non-binary and questioning to explore their gender or gain support.
Community philosophy lessons! Providing a base understanding of various topics such as ethics, knowledge, or even existence itself.
2025 marks the fortieth anniversary of AIDS becoming a household name in the UK.
Celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month with York's LGBTQ+ Socials!
Come dressed smart or silly for a night of Texas hold'em poker.
Celebrate the transformative power of theatre and music in this special open mic night honoring LGBTQ+ musicals, artists, and stories.
The Kweens Haus Zine is a community zine about York's Queer past, present, and future.
We are a relaxed welcoming community LGBTQ+ choir (open to allies too!)
Come and meet the wonderful folks at Generate, a local charity for Trans and Non-Binary folk
Our movie nights make a return! This week our genre will be Fantasy & Sci-Fi! You choose the movie!